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In the name of of Allah the Merciful ...

with what you welcome Ramadan?
And how many we prepare for Ramadan?
Brewing types of juices and drinks ?
Do you provide food items?
Are you cooking kitchens and dining halls?
I take leave from work and full time to sleep?
Q: What are the proper ways to receive this great month?
The Muslim should not exaggerate in the seasons of worship, and be of those who came before it and of those who compete with it. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): Al-Habib al-Mustapha (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Do good for your destitution, and be subject to the blessings of God's mercy. For Allah has blessings from His mercy that He wills from His slaves." They asked Allaah to conceal your awrah and to believe in your supplications.

We welcome Ramadan with things
First: Praying that God inform you the month of Ramadan The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Du'aa 'is worship. Narrated by Al-Sunan with a saheeh hadeeth, which is in Saheeh Abi Dawood, 1329
The Salaf al-Salih called on Allaah to inform them of Ramadaan, and then they invited him to accept them.
If you have reached Ramadaan and you see the crescent, it says as the Messenger of Allaah (may peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) saw the crescent moon and said:
O Allah, grant us success in Yemen, faith, safety and Islam
(HAMK) for Talha. Shaykh al-Albaani said: It is saheeh. See hadeeth no. 4726 in Saheeh al-Jaami '

Al-Nawawi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in his Book of Supplication: I know that it is mustahabb for one who renews a visible blessing to him, or if he is pushed by a curse that is apparent to prostrate, thank God, or praise what is his family. By your side last year and now lying in the dust waiting for a valid invitation, even if he was told to wish to say an hour of Ramadan, so you
Third: joy and joy, it was proven from the Messenger of Allah that he was preaching the companions of the month of Ramadan, he says:
(Ramadan came to you, the month of Ramadan, the month of Mubarak, God wrote to you fasting in which the doors of Jinan and shut the doors of hell ... Hadith) [Narrated by Ahmad].
Our good ancestor of the Companions of the Messenger of Allah and those who follow them with charity have been interested in the month of Ramadan, and are glad to visit it, and any greater joy of the news near the Ramadan season of good, and descend the mercy.
Imagine a guest Aziz you did not see him a year ago and came to you, what do you do to him is Ramadan is where to welcome the good work

Fourthly: Determining the sincere determination to take advantage of it and the building of its time with good deeds. Whoever believes in Allah's sincerity and obedience to obedience, and pleases Him with good ways, Allaah says: "If they believed God, it would be good for them." [Muhammad: 21] To hit the arrow from here and come out of here and God's credibility and Vsdkih be sincere with God
Fifth: Knowledge and jurisprudence of the provisions of Ramadan, the believer must worship God knowing, and does not excuse the ignorance of the obligations imposed by God on the slaves, including fasting Ramadan should learn the issues of fasting and provisions before his coming, "Ask the people of the Qur'an if you do not know" [The Prophets: 7]. Do not forget people three world and educated and you are of any kind
Sixth: We have to accept with determination to leave sins and sins and sincere repentance of all sins, and to stop them and not to return to it, it is the month of repentance who did not repent when he repent ?! Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): "And repent to Allah all of you, believers, that ye may prosper" [al-Nur: 31]
Seventh: a good preparation for the call to God in it, through:
1 - Preparation of some words and guidance in preparation for good in the mosque live in the shop in the job Be calling to God on the insight and do not be those who took ignorance way.
2 - distribution of brochures and preaching and jurisprudence messages related to Ramadan to worshipers and people of the neighborhood.
3 - Preparation (gift Ramadan) You can use in this (circumstance) to put two tapes and a booklet, and write on it (the gift of Ramadan).
4 - Remind the poor and needy, and make alms and Zakat them.

Eighth: We welcome Ramadan by opening a bright white page with: Allah Almighty with sincere repentance. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): "O ye who believe! Repent to Allah with sincere repentance, may your Lord forgive you your sins, and enter you Gardens beneath which rivers flow."
Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): "But repentance to Allah is for those who do evil in ignorance, and repent soon.
Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): "God wants to repent to you, and those who follow desires want to have a great inclination." (27) From Qatada, from him said: The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him "I repent in the day seventy times" The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Ask forgiveness of Allaah ... for there is no god but He, the living, the living, and repent to Him." Three times His sins were forgiven.
B - Open a blank page with the Prophet peace be upon him obedience to the command and avoid what was forbidden and denied.
C - Open a blank page with parents and relatives, and the womb and the wife and children on the mainland and the link.
D - open a blank page with the community in which you live in order to be a good and useful slave, he said peace be upon him: the best people to benefit the people said Sheikh al-Albani: (Hassan) See Hadith No: 3289 in the Whole Mosque.

 Ninth: Fidelity to God in fasting: (110) The cave and sincerity is the spirit of obedience, and the key to accept the remaining good deeds, and the reason for the help and reconciliation of the Lord of the beings, and on the basis of faith, sincerity and honesty with God and in the will of goodness Be God's help to the servant of the believer, said Ibn al-Qayyim - may Allah have mercy on him said:"And on the basis of the intention of the slave and his desire and desire and desire" may Allah {S.W.A}bless us and grant us deep understanding of the Religion Ameen.
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