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This being understood as the precious gift serves as SINE QUA NON, in human existence, life seems to be considered as nothing but ended mission, life is vanity upon vanity, vanity is the sense that life is all about generation upon generation. life is all about learning lessons, some lessons are pain some are painless but they are all priceless, when life gives you hundred reasons to cry, shows life you have thousand reasons to smile, in life you will realize that anybody you meet is for a purpose, either for a lesson or a blessing, either they teach you or you teach them, the most important thing is the people that can bring out the best or see the the best in you. Never extra-vagant your time with the people who cannot see the best or bring out the best in you. In life consider everybody as somebody, simply because nobody knows tomorrow. in life do not hesitate to learn. do not feel pompus, Or pride in life, the stoppage point of your wisdom might be the starting point of others.knowledge is somebody, knowledge is power, knowledge is strong, but once you are opportune to have supersede someone in knowledge never feel best the best, in life nobody posses fully the monopoly of knowledge, perfection is not in human charater, certainly perfection it is an attribute of Allah (S.W.T) but the must important thing is to seek for knowledge. In short life all about endless journey in learning. But remember that DEATH IS THE END OF EVERY PLAN, Life being understood.

Life is not all about partying, having fun, they way we young men of now a days thinks, some people thinks life is all about Enjoyment and having fun but that is not true, there is something great in life which is to fulfilled the right of your maker, (Allah) Remember anything beside Allah is false, obey the instruction of Allah and his Rasul you will achieve alot, All the goodness you have in this world is a tip compared to the goodness of Paradise and all the hardship you come to across in this word is only a tip compared to the hardship of hell fire, So we should not be more interested in this worldly material items, We should be thankfull for what we have,The great richness is contentment, The best provision is taqwa, Be Genuine to your leaders do not swear them, pray for them its Allah who choose them to be your leader not with their capacity, If you were to give 1000years to leave in this world they will come a time that you will still have to died, Death is something that each one of us will pass through may Allah S.W.A grant us a good death Ameen. 
Rasulullah Sallallaahu Alaihi-Wasallam said "An Intelligent Person Is 1 Who Is Constantly Thinking About And Preparing For Death." I end with a dua in the qur'an where Allah S.W.A said; رَبَّنَآ ءَاتِنَا فِى ٱلدُّنۡيَا حَسَنَةً وَفِى ٱلۡأَخِرَةِ حَسَنَةً وَقِنَا عَذَابَ ٱلنَّار
"Our Lord! Give unto us in the world that which is good and in the Hereafter that which is good, and guard us from the doom of Fire."

Abudullahi zakari Aliyu mantafien.

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