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Alhamdulilah Rabil Alamin we thank Allah subhanawo watallah for granting us today to withness and celebrate Maulud of the greatest leader in the history of the world.
I celebrate this Maulud by promoting his beautiful teaching of Islam salallahu Alaihi wasallam.
Some people do ask why do we celebrate Maulud?
< I sat and I think do this people love Prophet Muhammad salallahu Alaihi wasallam the reason why I ask that question is because I withness them celebrating their birthday, their friends their families and even help some non Muslim celebrate it but when it come to the best of all the creatures of Allah, subhanawo watallah, them said its bid'a(innovation).
< My brothers and sisters please be careful of what you don't have knowledge of, I will celebrate this Maulud till the end of my life, he is my beloved Prophet Muhammad salallahu Alaihi wasallam.
Allah subhanawo watallah sent the greatest of all time as a Mercy to mankind, imagine at the time he came to this world, A man unlettered in middle of the desert, No internet Nothing like facebook, twitter and others, in few years he changed the all globe salallahu Alaihi wasallam, he has more than 2billions followers today, even the non Muslim No who is Muhammad salallahu Alaihi wasallam.
May Allah subhanawo watallah bless us and grant us understanding.Ameen.

Abdullahi zakari Aliyu mantafien.

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