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< Sometimes, it not the organization that has refused to call you back for an interview. The problem might just be from your end, below are some points you should really consider and make proper adjustments before applying for the next job.

1. Grammatical/Spelling errors: Employers or recruiters might see a grammatical error as a lack of detail-orientation on your end.

What to do? Always proofread your resume from bottom to top, this helps you focus on each line or simply have someone else with good judgment proofread it.

2. Applying to multiple roles: Applying to multiple roles in the same organization shows that you don't know what you can do or what you want to do for the company.

What to do? Focus on your strong point, what you are good at and apply for a position in that line.

3. Lies: Putting a lie on your resume is never, ever, ever, worth it. What happens when your employers get to find out? People get fired for lying about a skill, a second or third degree, or for just lying at all.

What to do?  Work on your yourself, if you desire a certain skill or a degree work towards it don't just wish it into your resume.

4. Not following instructions: often times when vacancies come up, there are specific instructions on how to apply i.e. subject of the mail should read "REGIONAL MANAGER ENUGU SOUTH" but recruiters end up receiving emails with the subject such as "The best man for the Job" What are you trying to achieve? It might look like you are trying to sell your self over other applicants but it only shows the recruiter that you don't adhere to simple instructions.

What to do? Stick to the instruction that comes with the job advert and in situations where there are no such instructions simply state the role you are applying for as your mail subject. Don't forget your resume/cv should carry your full name not "Item 1" or "CV 1"

5. Zero attention to details: One of the many issues recruiters complain about the most is about applicants sending in their application and forgetting to attach their CV. Really? It's like going to the farm and leaving your tools behind. Some recruiters are patient enough to ask you to resend with your CV attached. For others, you just made their job easy by ticking you off the list.

What to do? Always check to see that you attached the necessary document before hitting the send button.

6. Winging it: Have you ever been in that awkward scenario where you are invited for an interview and you don't know anything about the company? It goes to show you don't care about putting in effort when it comes to preparation and it's most likely why you didn't get called back after the interview.

What to do? Never attend an interview under-prepared, most companies have websites or even social media handles. Read them up and learn a thing or two, it just might be the edge you will have over other applicants.

7. Unprofessional email address: Your email address should be professional and not suggestive, silly or funny.  Imagine having great skills, good degrees and sending in an application to a recruiter with an account from ""

What to do? As a job applicant, you don't want to be the reason why you don't get called back. Create an account with your real names, they are easy to remember and they look professional enough i.e
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